Sunday, July 6, 2008

Toya and Hakodate July 4th and 5th

So, as we left Deisetzu-san at midday, we had time enough to make our way towards the gate to Hokkaido island - namely, a town called Hakodate. We didn't make it all in one day, off course. By evening, we were back to Sapporo and then in the morning (July 5th) took a train to Hakodate. We stopped at a place called Toya on the way to see another active volcano (mount Usu). This one erupted on 2000 causing ruin to 6 villages. Toya town is hosting the G8 conference on matters of the environment (7-9 of July) and they were preparing for masses of tourists. They had high-school kids who speak some english walking around in white STAFF vests offer help to lost-looking people.

The girl here was explaining to us the "in Japan, owl means happiness"

We then went on to Hakodate where we walked around taking pictures of sewer-covers.

In Hokkaido, at lake Akan, they have a unique algea that grows in ball-shaped clumps. They have therefore created an algea character (note the balls)

There is a huge shopping area with souveniers and art:
Music boxes,



To leave Hokkaido by train, you travel through an underwater tunnel (click on the pictures to see it large enough to read the details):

And so, on July 5th we have spent another day on trains going all the way south to Hiroshima.

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