Friday, July 11, 2008


We arrived to Fokuka to find the Naked-Butt Festival (or Matsuri, the more official name).

We did not find too much details about this festival, but you must agree its a sight!

If you ever wondered how Shay would look like in one of those suits:

We spent a night in a nice guest house, where Shay found a big rubber ball to sit and jump:

(notice the coordination, not only jumping, but also talking on the phone with mom!)

We contemplated where to go. Luckily, we managed to find this AMAZING book:

too bad only the title was in English...

Here are some additional photos from the city life there:

Roni - this is for you:

And here are some more funny movies:

1 comment:

Elad Itzkin said...

OOO the answers book for your future!!

its amazing, i just ordered it from amazon!

if u want to buy your on copy follow this link ->