Monday, July 14, 2008

So long (Japan), and thanks for all the fish

Japan - we thank you for the Railpass!

For those of you who don't know, the Rail-pass is a train ticket, valid for 21 days, that entitles you to take (almost) ANY train in Japan (including the very expensive Shinkansen, bullet trains). It cost about $570, but if you consider the fact that a single train ride from Kyoto to Tokyo costs about $200, the investment really paid off!

Now that we say our farewell, we dream about our next visit to Japan. We still have SO many things to see there!

1. Hike to Fuji (we did not hike there since, as the Japanese say - there were BAD CONDITIONS)
2. visit Shiretoko National park:
3. Go to a Japanese baseball game!
4. See a sumo fight and a Kabuki show

Oh well, these will have to wait. Korea is next!

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