Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day III in Yangshuo, and the amazing impressions

We started our day by finding out that our hotel receptionist is also fond of harmonica.
Shay showed him a few notes and they played together:

We then left to roam the streets of Yangshuo. Alas, we only found the Li river,

And some water Buffalo

And some Comorans enjoying the sunny day (did we mention it was about 35C?)

And this point, Shay spotted a huge green snake coming out from the water, so we decided
to stop the hike since we were in Sandals...

We called one of the bamboo rafts and it picked us up and dropped us on the other bank.

At night, we decided to check out one of the local shows called "Impression on Sanjie Liu". It takes place ON (literally!) the Li river. When we arrived to the entrance, it was packed with people:

Later, we found our seats:

Then, everything went black, and the mountains in the background lit up!

More than 600 people participate in the show. That's a lot of people!]
It starts with fisherman boats going out to fish at night:

Then, they organize in rows and pick up a huge large red canvas:

The show is truly amazing. It was directed by the same guy who was in charge of the chirography of the Olympics opening ceremony.
For those of you who are interested in the plot, you can find it here.

One note about the Chinese audience - they suck!
They don't clap, they won't shut up for a minute during the show, and
worse of all - they leave 15 minutes before the end of the show. And the ones who actually stayed 'till the end - don't clap! nothing! they just cram to get out of there. Not nice...

For those who missed the show, no worries. We bought the DVD!

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